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Monstera Care: The Complete Guide

Monstera Care: The Complete Guide

Monsteras, with their diverse leaf shapes and sizes, have become icons in the world of indoor plants. Their striking appearance and easygoing nature make them a popular choice for plant parents at any expertise level.


Family: Araceae

Genus: Monstera

Commonly: swiss cheese plant, hurricane plant, split-leaf philodendron



Monsteras can adapt to most watering routines! Some varieties, like Deliciosas, will prefer drier soil, while others, like Obliquas, want to stay consistently moist.

Pro-tip: Your watering routine should be based on environmental factors – higher humidity means less frequent watering, brighter light means more watering. Check the soil with a moisture meter before giving it a drink.


These plants can adapt to various lighting conditions but do best in bright, indirect lighting. You’ll see less growth in dimmer spots.

Protect the leaves from direct sunlight to avoid scorching the foliage and maintain the lush, green appearance.


Maintain a moderate level of humidity (between 50-70%) if possible, especially if you’re in a drier climate.

Pro-tip: Grouping plants together or supplementing with a humidifier creates a more favorable microclimate for your Monstera.



A well-draining, aerated soil is best: potting mix, perlite, orchid bark and other chunky media is an excellent choice!

Check out our signature blend, Dirt Bag – specifically mixed for aroids like these to ensure optimal soil quality and promote growth!

Repot as needed to refresh nutrients and give your plant room to grow.


A balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season will keep your Monstera well-fed.

Dilute to half strength or stop fertilizing in the fall and winter.

Incorporate our Arber Plant Food during your routine waterings to promote lush, bright foliage!


Monsteras are generally hardy but keep an eye out for pests like spider mites, mealy bugs, and thrips.

Regularly inspect the underside of the leaves and stem joints for hiding pests.

Pro-tip: Gently wiping the leaves with a damp cloth prevents dust build-up and deters pests from setting up camp.



Pruning your Monstera will help control its shape and size while promoting new growth! Remove older, yellowing leaves to encourage more energy.

Propagate stem cuttings in water or soil and share the joy of Monsteras with fellow plant parents (or even just expand your own collection 😏).

Check out Water Propagation 101 for the how-to!