Origin Story

The story of Bros with Hoes Plant Co, better known as BWH Plant Co, started with a barbecue among friends and a few bottles of our favorite beer.

What began as an inside joke and a weekend pastime soon transformed into a mobile plant store, a rolling storefront that brought nature to doorsteps. Our weekends were often spent at local breweries and markets, joking that our side hustle funded our love for plants and beer.

By October 2019, we launched an online store to reach customers everywhere, shipping plants nationwide. Soon, we had our own greenhouse. In 2020, we opened a shared retail space with our pals Freehand Goods. By September 2021, we started the Jungle Room by BWH, our first physical store, bringing our love for greenery & community connection to life. As we grew, we felt our original name, though unforgettable, didn't fully vibe with the inclusive, professional, and passionate ethos that we wanted to convey to our expanding audience. So, we switched gears and leaned into BWH Plant Co, giving a nod to our roots while stepping up our game.

2020 was a wild ride for us and the rest of the world. Homes turned into safe havens, and people found comfort in the quiet company of indoor plants. Our online store was ready, providing a diverse range of tropical houseplants to our customers, who were eager to bring a touch of nature into their homes.

Today, BWH Plant Co is a testament to our community's appreciation for nature. Each plant we send out is a little piece of our joy and passion, delivered straight to your doorstep. We're stoked about building a vibrant, engaged community, one that digs the plant world as much as we do.

Through our social channels, we share helpful plant care tips, exclusive offers, and exciting updates. We invite our community to let their foliage flag fly by sharing their experiences using the hashtag #BWHPlantMail.

And hey, for those in the know, keep an eye out for subtle shout-outs to our beer-loving, weekend-hangout beginnings in our merch.

Plant People Unite
Plant People Unite
Plant People Unite
Plant People Unite
Plant People Unite
Plant People Unite